1. What does the 'def' keyword do in Python?
A) It defines a new variable
B) It defines a new function
C) It creates a class
D) It imports a module
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2. What is the purpose of the __init__() method in a class?
A) To define a function
B) To create a variable
C) To delete an object
D) To initialize an object's attributes
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3. Which of the following is used to create a list in Python?
A) []
B) ()
C) {}
D) <>
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4. How do you access the value associated with the key 'name' in a dictionary?
A) dict.name
B) dict['name']
C) dict{name}
D) dict.get('name')
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5. What is the output of `print(2 ** 3)` in Python?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 8
D) 9
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6. What will be the result of `len("Hello World")`?
A) 10
B) 11
C) 12
D) 13
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7. What is the purpose of the 'pass' statement in Python?
A) To terminate a loop
B) To skip to the next iteration
C) To do nothing
D) To define a function
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8. What will be the output of the following code? `print(type([]))`
A) <class 'list'>
B) <class 'dict'>
C) <class 'tuple'>
D) <class 'set'>
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9. How do you check if a key 'age' exists in a dictionary?
A) 'age' in dict
B) dict.has_key('age')
C) dict.contains('age')
D) 'age' in dict.keys()
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10. What will be the output of `sorted([3, 1, 2])`?
A) [1, 2, 3]
B) [3, 2, 1]
C) [2, 1, 3]
D) [1, 3, 2]
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11. What is the purpose of a for loop in Python?
A) To iterate indefinitely
B) To define a function
C) To iterate over a sequence
D) To create a variable
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12. What does the 'continue' statement do in a loop?
A) Ends the loop
B) Skips to the next iteration
C) Repeats the loop
D) Stops the program
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13. What is the purpose of the 'elif' statement in Python?
A) To terminate a loop
B) To check another condition
C) To define a function
D) To create a variable
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14. How do you include a module in Python?
A) include module_name
B) require module_name
C) load module_name
D) import module_name
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15. What is the purpose of a while loop in Python?
A) To execute code as long as a condition is true
B) To define a function
C) To create a variable
D) To iterate over a list
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16. What does the 'break' statement do in a loop?
A) Ends the program
B) Skips the current iteration
C) Exits the loop
D) Repeats the loop
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17. What does the 'map()' function do in Python?
A) Filters a list
B) Applies a function to all items in an iterable
C) Creates a new list
D) Sorts a list
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18. What does the 'filter()' function do in Python?
A) Applies a function to all items
B) Combines two lists
C) Filters a list based on a condition
D) Sorts a list
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19. What does the 'join()' method do in Python?
A) Splits a string into a list
B) Joins elements of an iterable into a single string
C) Reverses a string
D) Converts a string to lowercase
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20. What does the 'len()' function do in Python?
A) Returns the first item
B) Returns the last item
C) Checks if an item exists
D) Returns the number of items in an object
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